





  • You sense you are not breathing well and want to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it.

  • You feel fatigued and want a natural way to energize yourself.

  • You lack focus, have problems with memory or concentration.

  • You are experiencing pain of any type (from fibromyalgia to back pain) and would like to take less pain medication and feel relief.

  • You are looking to stay young, rejuvenate, stay healthy, and stave off the oxidative stress of everyday life.

  • You want to feel more centered, more balanced.

  • You suffer from symptoms of anxiety or depression.

  • You are an athlete and want shorter recovery times between workouts or competitions.

  • You lead a stressful life and are concerned about the effect of constant stress on your brain and body.

  • You have trouble sleeping—you can’t turn your brain off or experience “chatter” that won’t stop.

  • You’d like to be able to meditate, but have failed miserably in the past.

  • You can’t get enough air, can’t take a deep breath, as if your breath gets “stuck” in your chest.

  • You find you occasionally hold your breath (e.g., email apnea).

  • You have GI problems, like irritable bowel, constipation or acid reflux.

  • You worry constantly, experience anxiety and feel overwhelmed by your stress.

  • You have problems with short-term memory, usually with things you know that you know.

  • You have plateaued with dieting, especially when it comes to belly fat.

  • You suffered a trauma in your past that is causing you emotional pain, and you’d like to achieve closure.



You’ll get a very precise baseline with a functional breathing test (BIQ) that will let you know exactly how well you breathe and how it is affecting your body and mind. You’ll learn how to correct your breathing, strengthen your breathing muscles and learn a short “relax-fast” recovery breath (active meditation) to use daily. This is an intensive, dynamic process where you will feel relief immediately.




The breathing class has physical benefits. The breathing class is a lung workout. It exercises your diaphragm, intercostal muscles, and, if practiced regularly, can positively affect your lung capacity and velocity (the two factors considered when looking at “lung age”). Increased blood and oxygen flow to the brain and body have significant physical impact on your wellbeing, and a host of health benefits.


Active meditation has psychological benefits that are a great addition to any therapy. The increased oxygen flow and intense relaxation which automatically happens afterwards helps you “let go” of anger and sadness, letting you feel “unstuck” mentally. If you challenge yourself to “let go” (like you might with a chiropractor or massage therapist trying to go “deeper”) and ask yourself hard personal questions during the practice, you’ll be rewarded with clarity and strength.

Does one - or several - of these sound familiar? If it does, we can help.

  • I just want to take a really deep breath.

  • I have neck and shoulder pain that never seems to get better.

  • I can’t get enough air – there’s a tightness in my chest.

  • I want to learn to be in the now.

  • I can’t sleep.

  • I feel stuck.

  • I have lower back pain that I can’t find a solution for.

  • I have acid reflux, GERD or constipation.

  • I have pelvic floor problems.

  • I feel constantly overwhelmed.

  • I know I am acidic, and have medical problems related to inflammation or autoimmune function.

  • There are moments I have to hold back tears.

  • I can’t slow down; it’s so hard to sit still even though I’m tired.

  • I want to learn to be “in my body.”