“Wow! Breathing for Warriors is the single best resource, for the greatest revolution in wellness, performance and health in our times! Where was this book when I was a young infantry officer trying to max the PT test?”
“Dr. Belisa is able to explain breathing for athletes with the importance it deserves. Whether you are a pro, amateur, just work out or compete, she is your go-to when it comes to breathing for strength and endurance.”
“Dr. Belisa’s knowledge of breathing is awesome. I appreciate her ability to translate complex pulmonary information and make it interesting and practical. It is an essential part of physical, emotional and mental health.”
“This book is a wake-up call. Most health problems are caused by what you least expect. If you want to feel better and move with less pain and more power, this is a practical guide that gives readers the ability to do just that.”
“Rhythmic breathing revitalized my running career and helped me discover my true potential. Whether you’re a runner, lifter, or athlete in any other sport, the techniques in Breathing for Warriors can help you discover yours.”
“Replacing reps and time with breaths has been the single biggest game-changer in over a decade for the mobility routines I coach. Discover how much better you’ll move and feel when you breathe more efficiently. This book shows you the way.”
“Proper breathing is a key part of creating tension, which is the key to strength training. While breathing correctly may seem simple and natural to do, but it’s hard to explain. Sabin and Vranich went to great lengths to find the right cues, from the right people, to help you move, lift, and perform better.”
“Breathing is a hot buzzword nowadays, and with that comes a lot of misinformation on the topic. In this book, Vranich and Sabin do a great job of talking about how impactful proper breathing is, and give you actionable and practical advice to implement properly into your own training.”
“A treasure of information on how to get the most out of your mind and body. It all starts with breathing!”
“I trust Dr. Belisa more than anyone in the category of breathing dysfunction. No one is more comprehensive. She is the giver of life through breath.”
“Finally, there is a guide on breathing to enhance injury resilience and performance. Sabin and Vranich have created an utterly engrossing read, founded in science, and buttressed with real-world validity and application tips for the strength athlete or the endurance athlete alike.”
“Breathing for Warriors inflates your awareness and deflates myth while giving practical training tips for using your own wind instrument. Belisa and Brian turn up the gas on the most important vital sign for humans, breath. The pages deftly flow through the history of breath training (yogis, greeks, romans, elite athletes, warriors!) along with research and modern day experimentation. Whether you’re an athlete, clinician, a recovering smoker or curious about how to improve your stress resilience, you’ll never think about your lungs the same way.”
“Vranich and Sabin have written the ultimate book about breathing for athletes and those with active lifestyles. I now regard proper breathing as being as important to performance as any other aspect of training, or even more so.”
“Breathing for warriors is not only a “how-to” but a “you can” in a world of complex scientific research on the impact of breathing and proper mechanics. Dr. Belisa and Brian have expertly crafted THE reference guide of breath and its vital importance for all coaches and athletes. This should be everyone’s first book when diving into the world of health and fitness literature. ”
“One of the greatest promises of sport is achieving your highest potential. The best coaches on the planet know this and take lessons learned in high-performance environments and distill them down into essential behaviors for the rest of us mortals. Formula 1–type human performance is more than just entertainment, it is our living laboratory. (With BREATHING FOR WARRIORS) you are holding the lab notes. Go and see what’s possible.”
“I have had the pleasure of taking Dr. Belisa’s class and training on breathing and it is life changing. From performance enhancements during physical movements to relaxing and fall asleep faster. Both ends of the spectrum and everything in between are covered by this book and Dr. Belisa’s coaching. She is making lives better with what she does and writes.”
I have always had this inexplicable sense of not being able to get enough air even though my doctors said all my results were normal. Learning to breath “horizontally” has finally given me the sensation of being able to take a deep breath.
— Lynn, Tampa
Diaphragmatic breathing is not explained well, until now. I thought I was using my diaphragm, but I found out, from doing the Breathing IQ that I am not at all! I have been using my neck and shoulders to breathe which is one of the reasons they are so t. I’m working on breathing the habit and feel better already.
— Greg, New York
This program has helped both my digestion and my back pain, even though I started it because I just knew my breathing was some how wrong. My breathing “grade” was terrible, but what made a difference was actually understanding the why. I started with a belly breath, not I am breathing expansively, all the way around. Life changing.
— Lee, Texas
My wife and I did this program together and not only was it fun, but we were able to give each other feedback and keep each other on track. She had to work on making her inhale wider, and I’m the opposite, my exhale needed work. We both felt better in different way at the end of 2 weeks.I highly recommend.
— Paul, MN
“Most recently I utilized her expertise during a defensive tactics program conducted at the Manhattan DEA office. Dr. Belisa’s reviews were outstanding. We trained approximately 30 Agents from the DEA and US Marshals Service. The feedback was fantastic.”
“Dr. Belisa had an idea for people just like me—weekend warriors who get an adrenaline rush from Saturdays engaged in mock heroics but spend the week as mere mortals . . . I reached a sort of super-oxygenated Zen peace. It made the mud pit look like a tiptoe through the tulips. I left that night, floating around the West Village like a deep breathing sage. The relaxation lasted all weekend—and into Monday.”
“By thinking out of the box, Dr. Belisa has mastered breathing techniques for controlling stress, improving lung health, and boosting performance.”
“Dr. Belisa has coaching me on my breathing and the results have been crazy. I’ve seen huge improvements in my endurance and cardio in 10 days by only adding breath exercises. This is Rickson Gracie breathing to the next level times 10!”
“Dr. Belisa’s class was awesome! The class was a workout in the beginning, then the relaxation part the lightest I’ve ever felt….I feel happy, almost giddy..as if she has lifted something off my shoulders. I can’t wait to do it again; I highly recommend it.”
“Innovative and effective stress relief. Amazing experience. It made a such a difference in my clarity, and energy. Just spectacular!”