Explore the On Demand Course for Martial Artists. Master your breath, increase stamina, and reap the rewards.
What’s included?
Five riveting lectures summarizing the latest sports science on breathing and combat sports;
Detailed instructions for precise self-assessment of breathing biomechanics, immediately applicable correctives, and exercise planning.
A PDF workbook
Audio files
Recommended academic articles and resources to continue your education and practice.
“Vertical breathers are more easily suffocated, Horizontal breathers are harder to kill.”
-Bas Rutter
Jargon-free, intuitive, easily applicable information.
All research-driven material, specific to fight sports.
Most importantly, increase your endurance, without more cardio.
The best fighters understand every nuance of their bodies. The sooner you start analyzing and training your breathing in your practice, the more control you’ll have of your nerves and your energy, and the faster you’ll be able to access to your intuition and get in the zone consistently.
— Bas Rutten and Dr. Belisa, Breathing for Warriors: MMA
Endurance or “gas” isn’t just cardio. Cardio is your heart. The best-conditioned athletes address both. How? In the way you strengthen any muscle – make sure your “form” is good by taking your Breathing IQ, then add weight to strengthen the muscles by adding Breathing WODS to your training.
As a fighter, not working and focusing on your breathing means you’ll telegraph your moves to your opponent, you’ll have energy that will be all over the place and run out of gas, you’ll be more prone to get injured, and your recovery, between bouts and between fights, will take longer.
If two guys are equally skilled, the one with the more stamina wins.
All about your body’s breathing biomechanics; you’ll learn how to optimize your Range of Motion (ROM) and Location of Movement (LOM). The Breathing IQ is a screening of ribcage expansion. Better BIQ means bigger lung capacity.
The importance of strengthening breathing muscles and detailed understanding of your own.
How to get a baseline measurement of the mechanics of your breathing.
How to increase your endurance, without more cardio.
An active breath-led meditation that will help you detoxify and recover.
Learning how to breathe diaphragmatically will
Lower your center of gravity (better balance)
Expand your lung capacity
Allow you to control your heart rate more effectively
We’ll cover critical topics for fighters when it comes to breathing:
Targeted Breathing – how to breathe in each part of the ring/cage
Metaboreflex and Blood Stealing
Tactical Breathing and the Vagus nerve
Importance of diaphragmatic breathing for balance, detoxification, and for recovery
Breathing in Quadrants & “Breathing Behind the Shield”
Respiratory Muscle Training (IMT and EMT)
Controlling your arousal (tactical breathing, and Vagus nerve involvement)
Power training that involves breathing/locomotive pairing
You have over ten pounds of breathing muscles in your body, and if you aren’t training them separate from your sport, they are not in optimal shape, your chances of losing just increased.
Get a good explanation on how breathing helps with your “nerves” and how to make this work to your advantage.
Practical programming to get a baseline on yourself and start training right away.
Discussion and lectures specifically about fight science and combat sports and learn breathing from the best in the field.
Dr. Belisa Vranich teaches tactical breathing to military, law enforcement, first responders and combat and tactical athletes. She is the author of Breathing for Warriors: Master Your Breath to Unlock More Strength, Greater Endurance, Sharper Precision, Faster Recovery and an Unshakable Inner Game.
Bas Rutten is a UFC champion, 3x World Champion in Japan, a UFC Hall-of-Famer, fight commentator, actor, TV host, author of the biggest MMA instructional book in the world, inventor (o2trainer), coach to fighters, law enforcement & special forces and a gym owner.