Breathe Better to Train Better
Dr. Belisa's workout and breathing tips in Muscle & Fitness
Get Fit Performance Tips
Dr. Belisa Vranich featured in the September 2015 issue of SHAPE Magazine.
French Vogue September 2015
Dr. Belisa and the Breathing Classes in September 2015 issue of Vogue Paris.
4 Breathing Mistakes You're Making Every Day
Dr. Belisa Vranich mentioned in a breathing article on Prevention
Right Reads: Breathe, by Dr. Belisa Vranich
Doctor-turned-Breath Educator, Dr. Belisa Vranich shares tools to oxygenate, recharge and refuel our bodies and brains.
Why We're All Breathing Wrong — And How I Learned To Do It Right
Dr. Vranich is a psychologist turned breathing educator who’s worked with elite athletes to expecting moms on how to revamp their most basic function.
Breathing for Your Better Health
Dr. Belisa Vranich's breathing workshops featured in The Wall Street Journal