How to Handle Sex When You Have Genital Psoriasis

When you have genital psoriasis, it can be embarrassing to bring your condition up with a new sexual partner. Dr. Belisa Vranich shares advice on how to approach this uncomfortable topic and find pleasure in your relationship.

Carolynn Delany:

Welcome to this Everyday Health podcast series covering the emotional aspects of psoriasis. Today we're talking about how to handle sex when you have genital psoriasis. Joining us is Dr. Belisa Vranich, a clinical psychologist who has a private practice in New York City. I'm you're host, Carolynn Delany.

Thanks for being with us, Dr. Vranich.

Dr. Belisa Vranich:

Glad to be here, Carolynn.

Carolynn Delany:

Dr. Vranich, people with genital psoriasis may be embarrassed to bring up their condition with a new sexual partner. How and when should they bring it up?

Dr. Vranich:

Well, because genital psoriasis can look like it's STD-related, it's really important to bring it up carefully. There isn't a general rule as to when. It really depends on when you think your partner is most receptive and sensitive. Clarifying that it's not contagious and that it's something that you're not really worried about, even though you might be embarrassed, is the best attitude.

Carolynn Delany:

Once a partner understands that genital psoriasis is not contagious and that it's not a sexually transmitted disease, are there other topics to consider talking about when thinking about sex?

Dr. Vranich:

If your genital psoriasis causes you any pain you have to talk about different types of touch — what to avoid and what is tolerable. It's tough because it takes good communication.

Carolynn Delany:

Should other areas of the body be explored if the genital area is in a flare or it's just too painful to pleasure?

Dr. Vranich:

Absolutely. People underestimate how much sexual pleasure has to do with the whole body and with other senses. Let your partner know how good other things feel.

Carolynn Delany:

Dr. Vranich, how should oral sex be handled?

Dr. Vranich:

Any discussion related to sex or genitals is going to be tough. In addition to having good statistics and resources at the tip of your tongue, no pun intended, letting your partner get used to the situation and go through their process is important. If you have a flare-up and you have flakes or pain, make sure you tell your partner so they know what's going on.

Carolynn Delany:

Dr. Vranich, thanks for providing useful information on an important topic that may be challenging to discuss.

Dr. Vranich:

You're welcome, Carolynn.

Carolynn Delany:

You've been listening to an Everyday Health podcast, "How to Handle Sex When You Have Genital Psoriasis," part of a series of podcasts covering the emotional aspects of psoriasis. For more information on psoriasis visit

I'm Carolynn Delany for Everyday Health. Thanks for joining us.


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