Can You Really Use Your Breath To Reduce Anxiety?
There are a lot of new-age wellness techniques touted that make even the least cynical among us roll our eyes – yes, we’re looking at you jade eggs. But on the flip-side, in times of unprecedented uncertainty, there are useful, yet often overlooked approaches that deserve more of the limelight. Breathwork is one of them.
The Science Behind Breathwork + 5 Benefits Of The Practice
Take one big inhale that expands in your belly. Hold it. Now exhale deeply.
Congratulations, you've just engaged in breathwork, an ancient practice that's quickly gaining popularity. If you're thinking, "Wait, I've been inhaling and exhaling continuously since the day I was born. Does that mean I've been practicing breathwork this whole time?" the answer is, unfortunately, no.
What Breathwork Can & Can’t Do For Your Health, According To Experts
Breathing may seem pretty intuitive — breathe in, breathe out, continue until, well, death. An increasing amount of people are hyping up a more involved form of the practice. They claim that breathwork — breathing with intention and with certain rhythms — can help blood pressure, digestion, stress, and even mental health. Research on breathwork, however, reveals that while there's definitely some benefits to breathing therapy, it's a long way from a cure-all.
JanNEWary: Breathing 101
Kelly and Ryan learn breathing techniques on this episode of JanNEWary. Dr. Belisa explains breathing muscles, Kelly talks wardrobe malfunction, and both get to do Cat-Cow on stage.
Psychology and biomechanics of breathing with Dr. Belisa Vranich
During the episode, we dive deep into the psychology AND the biomechanics of breathing, how that applies to performance, information on her BREATHE class and new book Breathing for Warriors that will hit the shelves.
Take a deeper breath
How’re your breathing right now? I’d wager it starts somewhere around your chest and makes your shoulders rise and fall.